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    研究是化学系教师的一项核心活动. Each 教授与几名本科生一起研究前沿项目. Students 有机会作为共同作者发表论文和做演讲吗 at regional and national conferences such as:

    Landmark Summer Research Symposium

    化学与生物科学本科生年度研究研讨会 held at UMBC. 

    学生可以在学年进行研究以获得学分(CHE 294或CHE 395Y)。 or participate in the Goucher Summer Science Research Program, in which students work for 8 weeks and receive a $3,600 stipend. Students interested 在夏季研究中,应该尽快与潜在的教师导师讨论项目 than February.

    Faculty Members' Research Interests

    Ruquia Ahmed-Schofield

    鲁基亚·艾哈迈德-斯科菲尔德专注于模型研究,以研究一种方法 the construction of spirocyclic amines. The methodology is based upon the photodecomposition Barton PTOC [((1 H)-吡啶-2-硫酮)-氧羰基]酯的环衍生物 in the presence of nucleophilic amines. The attractive feature of the strategy lies in its potential for short, versatile, and efficient synthesis. Depending upon the structural nature of the nucleophile, an array of products is possible. Some of the 光产物的结构特征在许多有趣的生物中都有发现 active compounds. The successful outcome of this research may lead to the use of the 许多结构衍生物的合成方法 pharmaceutical activities.

    George Greco

    项目一:小分子DNA连接酶抑制剂的设计、合成和评价 (in collaboration with Dr. Alan Tomkinson, University of Maryland School of Medicine)

    DNA连接酶是负责在DNA分子中形成磷酸二酯键的酶, which is necessary for DNA synthesis and repair. This project examines small molecule DNA ligase inhibitors as a potential new class of cancer drugs. Ongoing work at Goucher 本药物化学项目包括新型抑制剂的化学合成 用两种不同的酶分析来评估这些分子.

    项目二:镍催化分子内[4+4]环加成的新型底物 of Bisdienes.

    8元环的合成仍然是一个活跃的研究领域,由于 the considerable challenges associated with their construction. [4+4] cycloadditions 在热条件下被Woodward-Hoffman规则所禁止,但是它们可以 进行光化学反应,或在过渡金属催化剂的存在下进行. Paul Wender (Stanford University)首次报道了ni催化的分子内[4+4] 在1986年进行了环加成,但此后对这个反应的研究就很少了. Greco 是在通过改变绳子的长度来扩大反应的范围吗 the reacting partners and incorporating heteroatoms into the tether.

    Learn more about these projects

    Judy Levine

    活细胞中基因的表达是由能够识别的蛋白质来完成的 and bind to specific nucleotide sequences in DNA. These proteins then act in various 以高度调控的方式从DNA中提取遗传信息. Judy 莱文的研究重点是了解dna结合蛋白的机制 能够识别DNA中的特定信号并执行其特定功能. 识别可能涉及DNA的化学和结构特征,如它的 ability to be deformed into bent or kinked conformations. These features of DNA may 也在dna结合蛋白的后续活动中发挥重要作用 gene expression. Levine's experimental approach uses chemical techniques to investigate 蛋白质- dna复合物的结构,以便深入了解其机制 by which they function.

    Levine特别感兴趣的是(在其他dna结合蛋白中)一种叫做 RNA聚合酶,它与DNA结合并沿着它移动,转录遗传信息 in the DNA into a corresponding RNA molecule. Very little is known about the structure 转录酶复合体或其运动过程的机制 along a DNA molecule. Investigation of this process by the chemical techniques mentioned 以上是朝着了解这种生物是如何产生的最终目标迈出的重要一步 "machine" may be regulated in living cells.

    Scott Sibley

    Scott Sibley的研究兴趣主要集中在合成和光物理表征方面 高荧光近红外发射染料的潜在用途,作为体内成像 agents. 他也在研究通过 the use of small molecules.

    Kevin Schultz

    光致变色是一种化学物质在光诱导下发生的可逆转变 between two forms that have different absorption spectra. Simplistically, it is a term used to describe the reversible color change upon exposure to light. Dithienylethenes 是否有一类光致变色化合物得到了广泛的研究和修饰 为了获得特定的特性,如发光,磁性, electrochemical properties, refractive index, conductivity, etc. Upon exposure of 一个1,2-二乙烯的衍生物,以适当波长的紫外光,环 open isomer undergoes a cyclization reaction. This alteration in bond configuration 结果显著改变了分子的几何和电子性质 and is the cause of a color change. The Schultz Lab is taking advantage of these molecular 改变以开发辐照后具有独特化学性质的系统 with light.

    我的研究兴趣主要集中在合成有机化学领域,包括 设计、合成和研究有潜力成为 useful chemosensors and drug delivery agents.

    1. 化学传感器:化学传感器是选择性识别特定化学物质的分子 species and have recently attracted much interest. They are highly relevant for environmental and biological reasons. Examples of environmental impacts include detection of the 氟离子,存在于饮用水中,是水解的副产品 of nerve agents such as sarin. The chemosensors utilize functional groups that are known to bind specific ions. As examples, three coordinate organoboron derivatives 氟选择性地与其他阴离子结合,氮杂-15-冠-5取代基有 能选择性结合碱土金属(Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+)的阳离子 over alkali metals. This binding process modifies the bonding structure in the molecule 并使该系统经受光致变色反应诱导出明显的效果 color change.

    2. 药物递送剂:光是一种有效的触发释放生物活性 化合物,因为它提供了精确的空间和时间控制释放的化学物质 or drug. 二乙烯光化学反应中键结构的变化 如果适当调整,是否允许释放某些化学物质或药物.