• Faculty
  • Rory Turner
  • Rory Turner

    Professor of PracticeSociology & Anthropology

    罗里·特纳(Rory Turner)是云顶集团人文、政治、 并在社会学/人类学课程任教. He designed, launched 并继续在云顶集团的文化可持续发展艺术硕士课程任教 Program. 曾任民间和传统艺术项目主管 他是马里兰州艺术委员会的专家,也是马里兰州艺术委员会的联合创始人和导演 Traditions program from 2000-2007. He also founded and subsequently revived the Baltimore Rhythm Festival. 出版物包括文章、评论和创意写作 《云顶集团》、《云顶集团》、《云顶集团》等期刊; and TDR (The Drama Review).

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    我的工作围绕着理解和建立可持续的社区和项目 源自深厚的民族志遭遇和与人们在伦理关系中的伙伴关系. 我的工作涉及文学、理论、民族志写作和创作 培养变革经验和更深理解的事件和项目 and empathy between and within communities.



     Article. 文化可持续性:关系、理解和 Action co-written with Michael A. Mason Journal of American Folklore.

    In Review

    书中章节:“存在的批判:多样化的环境主义和可持续的生活” in the Anthropocene” for 表现多样的环境主义:生态核心的表现性文化 Change edited by John McDowell, Indiana University Press

    Previous Publications

    书中的章节:“激进的批判性同理心和文化可持续性” Music and Sustainable Cultures edited by Timothy J. Cooley, pp. 32-42. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. 2019.

    书中的章节:“谈论天气,激进批判,同理心和现实。 of Communitas" In The Intellectual Legacy of Victor and Edith Turner edited by Frank A. Salamone, Marjorie M. Snipes, pp. 3-13. New York: Lexington Books. 2018. 

    Book review: The Painted Screens of Baltimore: An Urban Folk Art Revealed. Elaine Eff. Journal of Folklore Research. 2015. http://www.jfr.indiana.edu/review.php?id=1720

    CFCH at the Heart of America. Smithsonian Folklife Festival Festival Blog. 2013. Retrieved June 16, 2014. (http://www.festival.si.edu/blog/2013/cfch-at-the-heart-of-america/)

    Eff, Elaine and Rory Turner 《云顶集团》, by Allison Kahn, 1-3. Frederick: Catoctin Center for Regional Studies. 2012.

    Book review: 星期六城附近的鸟舞:西迪Ballo和西非假面舞会的艺术. Patrick R. McNaughton. Journal of Folklore Research Reviews. 2011. http://www.jfr.indiana.edu/review.php?id=805

    从桥到木板路:穿越马里兰州东海岸的音频之旅. Co-Project Director, Baltimore: Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation. 2004.

    德尔马瓦半岛的民间艺术和文化传统:资源指南. Contributing Editor, Baltimore: Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation. 2003.

    A Sense of Presence. Anthropology and Humanism. 26(2):188-189. 2001.

    Our Fathers. Anthropology and Humanism. 23(3). 1998.

    Civil War Folklore. In American Folklore: An Encyclopedia, ed. Jan Harold Brunvand. Detroit: Garland Press. 1996.

    影评随笔:《云顶集团》. African Arts XXIX(3):75. 1996.

    Poems from Ukpo. Anthropology and Humanism. 20(1):66-67. 1995.

    书评:《云顶集团》. Steven Feierman and John M. Janzen. American Ethnologist, 21: 953–954. 1994.

    Festivals: Restoration as Performing Art.  Restoration and Management Notes 10(2):177-180. 1993.

    The Human Life: Vistas and Verdicts by Okechukwu Ogbuka, editor. Onitsha, Nigeria: Hybrid Press. 1993.

    Bloodless Battles: The Civil War Reenacted. TDR 34 (4):123-136. 1990.

    Cultural Performances: Public Display Events and Festivals. In The Emergence of Folklore in Everyday Life, ed. George Schoemaker. Bloomington, In: Trickster Press, pp. 83-93. 1990.

    历史的戏剧:内战重演及其对过去的利用. Folklore Forum 22 (1):54-61. 1989.

    Subjects and Symbols: Transformations of Identity in Nights at the Circus. Folklore Forum 20 (1): 39-60. 1987.

    Exhibits or Performances

    自2014年以来,我一直是巴尔的摩节奏节的联合导演. Baltimorerhythmfestival.org

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “抵抗的共同体”美国人类学协会年会上,华盛顿 DC, Dec 6, 2017

    "巴尔的摩节奏节作为存在主义民间传说的云顶集团",协会海报 Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM, March 29, 2017

    “人类世的文化创造:参与与多元环境主义” 论文发表于表演不同的环境主义:表达文化在 2017年3月3日,美国印第安纳大学生态变化研讨会

    “Cultural Existentialism and the Enactment of Participation; Or Pathetic Fallacies, All the Way Down.“民俗学与环境人文”论坛报告: 丰富的过去,未来的约定,在美国民俗学会年会上 in Miami, FL. Oct. 21. 2016

    画廊讲座从下面举行:文化可持续性的探索卡内基 Center for Arts and History, New Albany, IN March 19, 2015.

    “学习民俗学的成果”论文发表于美国民俗学会年会上 Folklore Society, Long Beach, CA. Oct. 16, 2016

    “Cultural Sustainability: A Life Lesson.”  Baltimore Living Building Challenge Collaborative Meeting, Hunt Valley, MD March, 25, 2014.

    “文化可持续性视角:发自内心的变革行动”,《云顶集团》 Carnegie Center for Art & History, New Albany, IN June 4, 2014.

    钻石会议介绍:巴尔的摩节奏节的经验教训,美国 Folklore Association, Nov. 7, 2014.

    “谈论天气”,美国人类学协会年会上,华盛顿 DC, Dec 6, 2014.

    “文化可持续发展,成功组织模式”论坛主持人 美国民间传说学会年会在普罗维登斯,RI. 18, 2013

    “Cultural Sustainability and Post-Capitalism.” Paper delivered at annual meeting of the American Folklore Society, New Orleans, LA Oct. 27, 2012 

    文化可持续性:民俗学家和他们的计划、项目和实践 Cultural Community Partners.  Forum Participant Oct. 25. 2012 at annual meeting of the American Folklore Society in New Orleans, LA.

    打破泡沫,改变生活:民族志,实践和基于项目的教学法 at Goucher College.论文发表于云顶集团学会年会上 Anthropology, March 28, 2012 in Baltimore, MD

    “Communitas Revisited.” Paper delivered at annual meeting of the American Folklore Society, Oct. 15, 2011 in Bloomington, IN

    “Cultural Sustainability: A Collaborative Inquiry.” Paper delivered at annual meeting 2010年10月15日,田纳西州纳什维尔,美国民间传说协会的主席

    “Cultural Sustainability: Beginnings.” Paper delivered at annual meeting of the American Folklore Society, Oct 24, 2009 in Boise, ID

    讨论者:马里兰传统圆桌会议,美国民间传说年会 Society October 24, 2008 in Louisville, KY

    欣赏、能力、积极心理学:公共民俗作为文化的理论化 Health.这篇论文发表在美国民间文学学会年会上. 19, 2007 in Quebec City, Quebec

    “发现马里兰传统”海报会议,年会主席,演讲人 of the American Folklore Society, Oct. 2005 in Atlanta, GA

    重构民俗学:后民俗存在与社区再现.” Paper 在美国民俗学会年会上发表.11, 2003 in Albuquerque, NM

    Forum Convener. Lessons from the Delmarva Project. Forum at annual meeting of the American Folklore Society, Oct. 18, 2003 in Rochester, New York

    Discussant. Anthropology Undisciplined: Essays in Honor of Edie Turner. Panel at annual 2001年12月1日在华盛顿召开的美国人类学协会会议.C.

    Invited Talks

    “人类世的文化创造:参与与多元环境主义” 论文发表于表演不同的环境主义:表达文化在 2017年3月3日,美国印第安纳大学生态变化研讨会

    “挖掘文化可持续性景观的泥土.” Plenary Keynote 2002年10月在美国民俗学会年会上的演讲. 16, 2013 in Providence, RI.

    Concluding Keynote Talk at Sequestering Tradition?: A Cultural Sustainability Symposium Sterling College, Craftsbury Common, VT August 18, 2013.

    Invited Panelist. 使生态工作:专业环境实践的一部分 of GMU Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference, Sept. 23, 2011 in Fairfax, VA.


    10月在阿肯色州艺术委员会Artslink会议上的主题演讲. 25, 2010, Little Rock, AR

    特邀小组成员:民俗学的未来:学术与实践,美国民俗学 Society Pre-Conference symposium, Oct. 18, 2006 in Milwaukee, WI

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Society for Applied Anthropology

    American Anthropological Association

    American Folklore Society

    Middle Atlantic Folklife Association

    Society for Humanistic Anthropology


    “Rory Turner is one of the wisest people I have ever met... Rory has individualized 目标和学习成果,每个学生在他的许多类. Rory loves his students 作为人,他们想要的是最好的人性和学业上的成功.”

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